The Lands and Resources Department has a responsibility to Teslin Tlingit Council Citizens to manage renewable resources within the Traditional Territory. A major part of fish and wildlife management is harvest management. The Lands and Resources Department manages harvest to ensure that fish and wildlife populations are healthy for future generations, while, at the same time, making sure that the needs of Citizens are met.

Harvest Regulations

All TTC Citizens are required to carry Proof of Enrollment when hunting and fishing, as well as their Wildlife Harvest Permit. For more information about TTC harvest regulations refer to the TTC Fish and Wildlife Act and Regulations.

Wildlife Harvest Permits

Teslin Tlingit Council (TTC) Wildlife Harvest Permits are mandatory for all hunters, including TTC Citizens, within Teslin Tlingit Traditional Territory. Permits are issued for the harvest of moose, caribou, small game and game birds, and must be carried when hunting, along with Proof of Enrolment and Identification.

Please report your harvest within one week to the Lands and Resources Department's Fish and Wildlife Officer or Game Guardians. Your information helps us manage our resources more effectively and ensures that we have a sustainable harvest for future generations.

Obtaining A Permit and Licence

Visit the Lands and Resources Office with your Proof of Enrollment or Yukon Government Hunting License and Identification. You can also obtain a permit from the Fish and Wildlife Officer or one of the Game Guardians on patrol. For information on how to obtain a Yukon Fishing Licence vist the Yukon Government's Department of Environment website.


  • TTC Citizens / First Nations - Free
  • Non-First Nations- $20
  • Outfitters - $200

For information on Yukon Territory regulations, consult the Yukon Government Hunting Regulations and BC Region 6 Hunting Regulations for Northern British Columbia.

Harvest Monitoring

Monitoring harvests has many critical benefits, including the early detection of pressured populations and over-harvest, and the communication of the unique and valuable knowledge of Citizens who are active on the land. Given the stresses on our salmon (T’á) and moose (Dzísk’w) populations, the cooperation of Citizens with the Lands and Resources Department is an important and necessary contribution to the sustainable management of these species, which are essential for the continued health of Tlingit culture.

As directed by General Council in July 2018 (Resolution # 2018-016), Citizens are required to report their moose harvest to the Lands and Resources Department.   Hunters will be contacted by Lands staff in fall and spring and asked about their moose harvest. This information helps the Lands and Resources Department to manage resources more effectively and ensure that we have a sustainable harvest for future generations.

Training and Education

The Lands and Resources Department promotes sustainable harvest practices through the ongoing training and education of Citizens. Informal discussions, pamphlets, meetings and community training sessions are all used to ensure Citizens understand their rights and responsibilities regarding renewable resources. Helping Citizens navigate the requirements of Yukon Government and TTC legislation is important for the well-being of the wildlife we are managing, and to reduce conflict and problems for Citizens.

Helpful Links

Fish and wildlife management ensures that future generations can enjoy our resources.

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