Justice - Peacemaker Court
Yáx̱ At Juwustéeyi
Yáx̱ At Juwustéeyi
The Peacemaker Court operates in accordance with principles of judicial independence, impartiality and fairness. The Peacemaker Court provides two types of court services based on a staged approach.
Stage One - court services provides consent-based dispute resolution court services.
Stage Two - court services will provide adjudication and appeal court services. Stage Two is suspended as the Peacemaker Court becomes established.
During this period, the Yukon Territorial Court will handle any Teslin Tlingit law violations. This period will allow for Teslin Tlingit Peacemakers to acquire the necessary development to assume and exercise Stage Two court responsibilities. Both stages will operate concurrently thereafter.The Teslin Tlingit Council legislative authority is recognized within the Teslin Tlingit Final Agreement and Self-Government Agreement (1993).
The Teslin Tlingit Council jurisdiction include: adoption; inheritance; wills; solemnization of marriage; management, control and protection of Settlement Land; rights and interests on Settlement Land; natural resources; gathering, hunting, trapping or fishing; protection of fish, wildlife and habitat; prevention of overcrowding of residences or other buildings; and planning, zoning and land development.
For further information, please see the Justice Council and Peacemaker Court brochure.
TTC signed an Administration of Justice Agreement with Canada in 2011. The Peacemaker Court and Justice Council Act was passed in 2011.